
Projects in GLOBALLY Strategic Locations


What is Power-to-X?

Power-to-X (PtX) refers to pathways for the conversion of electricity into a variety of versatile products, such as hydrogen, ammonia or methanol. PtX offers a range of benefits that ensure it is a key element in solving the energy trilemma.

These include storing excess variable renewable energy (VRE); decoupling decarbonisation from the power sector to provide opportunities in hard to abate sectors, such as steel and cement production, decarbonisation of chemical production; and even presents opportunities for the utilisation of captured Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Power to X (PtX) Pathways


Power of green hydrogen

Green hydrogen, a clean and versatile energy carrier, produced through the process of electrolysis using renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. This method of production emits no greenhouse gases, making green hydrogen an essential player in the transition to a sustainable and low-carbon economy

Green hydrogen - A Zero Carbon Energy Carrier


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